Von der Leyen lays out ‘laborious work’ wanted from Ukraine to affix EU – POLITICO


European Fee President Ursula von der Leyen on Friday morning outlined the following steps in Ukraine’s path to becoming a member of the European Union, throughout a digital deal with to the Ukrainian parliament.

“The subsequent steps are inside your attain. However they’ll require laborious work, dedication and above all unity of function,” she advised the Rada.

This path contains tackling corruption, a promise on which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected in 2019. “You will have created a powerful anti-corruption machine. However now these establishments want enamel, and the correct individuals in senior posts,” she stated. Von der Leyen defined Ukraine ought to appoint new heads for the Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Workplace and Nationwide Anti-Corruption Bureau, which each began working in 2015, as quickly as doable.

Von der Leyen additionally insisted on the necessity to reform the nation’s constitutional courtroom — particularly, a laws outlining choice procedures for judges, in step with the suggestions of the Venice Fee.

Von der Leyen additionally talked about a controversial anti-oligarch legislation, in line with which the physique that decides who’s an oligarch is appointed by the president himself. Critics of the legislation see it as a populist measure which might give extra energy to the sitting president. “Immediately, Ukraine is the one nation in Europe’s Japanese Partnership to have adopted a legislation to interrupt the oligarchs’ grip in your financial and political life. And I commend you for that,” she stated. However von der Leyen added that Ukraine now has to deal with implementing the legislation, “in a legally sound method.”

She additionally addressed media independence, saying a media legislation ought to be adopted in step with present EU requirements.

The European Council granted Ukraine, together with Moldova, candidate standing on June 23. This was step one on the trail to becoming a member of the EU, which can seemingly take years. However EU leaders have moved with document pace, no less than within the preliminary phases of Ukraine’s bid for membership — partly as an effort to point out solidarity within the face of Russia’s brutal battle.

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