Lucas Vaskange vector art – Upworthy


I’m not saying these instances have been higher, simply totally different.

A Reddit consumer by the title of Jenn was feeling nostalgic for the pre-internet days in order that they requested the net discussion board, “Video killed the radio star. What did the web kill?” The query was a reference to The Buggles’ 1979 hit “Video Killed the Radio Star,” which was the primary video ever performed on MTV.

The put up rapidly went viral with greater than 7,000 individuals chiming in with issues that the web relegated to the dustbin of historical past.

Listed below are 19 of one of the best responses to the query, “What did the web kill?”


“Newspapers. Magazines.” — Cuttlery


“Blockbuster.” — sparkchaser


“Encyclopedias.” — New_Television_9125


“Not having the ability to do not forget that man from that factor.” — Meffrey_Dewlocks

Volcano-ngh added:

“Not having to hearken to my mother and my uncle listing off names making an attempt to recollect the title of some actor in a 100-year-old film for an hour with no decision is fairly nice.”


“Maps. I’ve by no means used a tangible map since web and telephones.” — TheMaskedAdvice


“Real looking expectations of success.” — NelsonsBuddy

Cerker added:

“Together with your former restricted peer group, your have been certain to be ‘the professional’ or ‘one of the best’ in not less than one thing. And will present precious contributions attributable to this. Now? You may at all times examine your self to the entire world. You at all times discover tens of individuals to this point above your degree that you don’t have any lifelike means to come back even near it. It was at all times that approach, however they weren’t that distinguished in your life, at all times declaring your mediocrity. I nonetheless battle with it and it used to suck up all my motivation. Now I begin to cease caring and simply doing what supplies my pleasure.”


“The mail order catalogue. This was an enormous means of shopping for items, particularly in rural areas or ordering area of interest gadgets that usually aren’t stocked in shops.” — TheSeaMonkey


“Consideration span.” — LegacyRW

“I’ve truly simply began engaged on this. Limiting my telephone time and forcing myself again to studying, puzzles, initiatives that require focus and many others.” — catsinlittlehats


“Broadcast tv.” — katomka


“My religion in humanity.” — cucake_bliss

Uhh_JustADude added:

“Earlier than, you knew most individuals have been kinda silly. It’s simply that again then, they by no means amounted to a lot and positively weren’t as enabled or inspired. Individuals used to have disgrace and self-awareness and to publish some bullshit for the entire world to see, one needed to get it previous editors who truly labored for his or her jobs and had levels in journalism, English, and literature.”


“Document shops. Not all, however tons. We used to have 10 in my metropolis within the Nineties, now we have now 2.” — boxoffingernails


“Film telephone.

You have not lived till you tried to spell the title of a film in your keypad whereas declining the options of the robotic.
‘Did you imply..?’

‘_____ can also be taking part in at…'” — brutcookie5


“Mail, not E-mail however good previous vogue letter mail. The one sorts of letters i get now are payments and different shit i do not need.” — Lekenthereal


“The Web killed disgrace. Nothing is shameful anymore, it is all simply monetized and fed to individuals from TikTok and YouTube movies, to 4chan and Reddit subs, to the very incel-laden darkish alleys of the net. Nothing killed private disgrace just like the web. We get to see the worst of humanity at our fingertips 24/7.” — XmerianMonk


“Teenagers’ vanity.” — inflewants

Interesseret added:

“That is just about the #1 on the listing is not it. Man, the web has completed horrible issues to younger individuals’s self-image.”


“4-1-1.” — AllFuzzedOut

Nihlism4U added:

Omg sure! Additionally simply numerous random telephone numbers you may name to get pre-recorded data…time, temperature, there was one I used to name so much for like…every day science info or one thing? Do not bear in mind precisely, however I definitely used the telephone as a lifeline to info as a child within the ’80s and early ’90s.”


“Democracy.” — ChopEee

“That is sadly very true. The Web has allowed the dissemination of fringe ideology to an enormous viewers. YouTube and Fb algorithms assist push extra of that content material in entrance of individuals. Those that had a predilection to purchase into conspiracy theories and different types of fringe considering beforehand by no means had easy accessibility to this type of content material. Certain, we might nonetheless have Fox Information and the like, however that’s fairly gentle in comparison with what’s accessible on-line.” — Pray44Mojo


“The mall.” — dumberthenhelooks


“The expertise of really going out and doing issues your self.” — Night-Advert-9976

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