Charity Ekezie answers questions about Africa


Charity Ekezie, a journalist from Nigeria, is doing a implausible job of adjusting perceptions about Africa as a result of she understands one thing crucial: You may change lots of people’s minds by making them snort.

Earlier this 12 months, in accordance with a report by France 24, Ekezie and her pals realized that plenty of commenters on TikTok, particularly these in Europe and the USA, have plenty of incorrect perceptions of Africa, and lots of of them are racist.

Ekezie says that lots of people see the continent as a prehistoric place that lacks working water, web entry and refrigeration.

“So I received upset as a result of I believed these have been issues that folks ought to really know and I made a decision to do one thing about it,” she informed TRT World.

“In the future I used to be with my cousins at my home within the village. And I used to be like, ‘Let’s make a TikTok. Let’s do one thing sarcastic. Let’s gown up like maidens and go to our village river and make a video,’” she informed France 24.

The video has been seen greater than 22 million occasions since its January posting.


We do not have Water, pls ship us some 😪😭 with my sisters @oge_smallie and @nameisbeee #charityekezie #kissmyacegoodbye #african

Since then, Ekezie has gone on to provide dozens of hilarious movies the place she sarcastically explains how Africans get round with out vehicles, drink with out water and keep cool on a continent that lacks air-con.

In most movies, she stands proper subsequent to one thing that folks assume African individuals don’t have.

Listed below are some typical questions and her hottest video responses:

How can y’all have a rustic inside a rustic?

Reality: Africa is a continent with 54 international locations absolutely acknowledged by the U.N.


@bebostunna With these few factors of mine, I hope I used to be in a position to persuade and never confuse you, that South Africa 🇿🇦 is not a Rip-off.👉🏽👈🏽 #sacarsm #charityekezie #africa #southafrica

Why would not it ever rain in Africa?

Reality: Though Africa is among the extra arid components of the world,a median of 1,000 millimeters of rain falls per 12 months throughout a lot of the continent.


Generally the gods additionally cry cos of our struggling in Africa, and their tears drop closely from the sky so we use it as water, cos it is blessed. #sacarsm #charityekezie #africa with @jgolby on Instagram.

Do you could have air conditioners in Africa?

Reality: Sure, individuals in Africa do have air conditioners. Greater than 3.4 million have been offered on the continent in 2021.


Reply to @maylan_r The African Elephant isn’t just an animal however a supply of recent air. btw what’s an Air conditioner?🤔 #sacarsm #africa #charityekezie

Do you could have stuffed animals in Africa?

Reality: Sure, they do. Watch the video.


Reply to @m4dh4tter12 Actual animals are the actual deal. #sacarsm #africa #charityekezie

How do you cost your cellphone?

Reality: About half of the individuals who dwell in Africa have entry to electrical energy.


Reply to @lazyleopard_sh Now you understand how.🥰 The African Hippo is highly effective 🦛 #sacarsm #knowafrica #charityekezie

Is there make-up in Africa?

Reality: Sure, Africa is the place individuals began sporting make-up.


Reply to @shinobi_2202 What’s a make-up please? #sacarsm #charityekezie #africa #make-up

Do you could have electrical energy in Africa?

Reality: Sure, we already answered that query.


Reply to @adeb451 What’s an electrical energy?😩 I solely know of lightning from the god of thunder, Amadioha 🥺 #sacarsm #charityekezie #africa

If Ekezie’s objective is reaching individuals, she’s doing a fantastic job. Her movies have already got greater than 27 million likes and he or she’s simply getting began.

Her thought of adjusting individuals’s minds by means of humor is an excellent technique to get her level throughout. In keeping with Stanford College, humor is an effective way to alter individuals’s minds. It permits you to “join together with your viewers, diffuse stress, elevate standing, foster belief, and compel others to your perspective.”

“So I do hope my movies going to assist demystify each single false impression and stereotype about Africa,” she informed TRT World. “And I hope that video reaches much more individuals so that they will get to know that Africa is definitely actually nicer than what they assume it’s.”

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