7 positive things to know going into the week


You realize, typically the world can really feel a bit heavy and we’d like some vivid spots to look ahead to with the intention to get by way of the week. Clearly every thing cannot be roses and sunshine on a regular basis however we are able to definitely do our greatest to look out for the small moments that may brighten our days. One among our favourite ongoing options is sharing with you the 10 issues that made us smile this week. It is a good way to finish the week and keep in mind that nice issues are occurring on a regular basis throughout us. However what about Monday? So, we figured we might provide you with a second listing of issues to look ahead to as you head into your week. We hope you get pleasure from studying it as a lot as we loved placing it collectively for you.

As people, we are able to simply change into a product of what we devour so why not attempt to devour the nice even when it is in small doses. So lots of the tales we share on Upworthy are full of the perfect of humanity and foolish pets doing their half in making the web collectively smile. It solely is smart to place the perfect upcoming constructive issues at the beginning of the week to begin us off on the precise foot. Buckle up, as a result of we have some good issues to share with you!

worldwide cat day

Picture by Tuqa Nabi on Unsplash

1. Worldwide Cat Day is August eighth

Properly, would you have a look at that. It is cats topping the listing. Not as a result of cats are the primary vivid spot this week. This listing is technically in no specific order. No, cats are on the high of the listing just because they’re sassy, fuzzy and cuddly. That’s, once they really feel like being cuddled. So, when you’ve got a kitty in your life, in the present day is the day to point out them off and spoil them till your coronary heart’s content material, or they stroll away displaying you their…um…tail. And in the event you’re on the lookout for a accomplice that can be simply as excited as you might be for worldwide cat day, you may examine a cat lovers courting app right here.

2. Our favourite semi speaking tree has a sequence coming to Disney+ referred to as I Am Groot

If you happen to’ve watched Guardians of the Galaxy, or are a Marvel fan generally, then you definately already know who Groot is. If you happen to’ve by no means seen him earlier than then you definately’re in for a deal with. After some turbulent instances, Groot discovered himself on a brand new journey with the Guardians of the Galaxy sequence as a potted tree that would solely say “I’m Groot” however you will be joyful to know he now has legs. Nonetheless a restricted vocabulary however someway he is entertaining and so dang cute. What extra is there to say?

meteor bathe on sky throughout nighttimePicture by Prokhor Minin on Unsplash

3. Sit below the celebs and watch the Perseid Meteor Bathe on August twelfth and thirteenth

There’s one thing magical about watching a taking pictures star streak throughout the evening sky. I keep in mind being a child getting so excited that I might bounce up and down as quickly as I noticed one however the pleasure would make my thoughts go clean. I virtually at all times missed my alternative to make a want. Properly on the evening of August 12 you can also make as many needs as you need. The sky can be riddled with taking pictures stars. Based on Accuweather, you may count on to see anyplace from 50-100 stars an hour.

The Wizard of Oz (1939) | The Depraved Witch of the West had j… | Flickrwww.flickr.com

4. The Wizard of Oz is popping 83

This one is simply type of cool. It virtually feels just like the little youngsters asking if televisions had shade once we had been youthful. For some purpose 1939 looks like issues should not have been colorized and but the Wizard of Oz is proof that they certainly had shade again then. The truth that this film continues to be watched in the present day is wonderful. This August makes the Wizard of Oz 83 years outdated. And even in any case that point, it is themes and magical storytelling nonetheless really feel unbelievable related and worthwhile.

5. New Orleans is popping eating places into photo voltaic powered hurricane refuge facilities

New Orleans will get hit by hurricanes pretty typically, whereas some are small blips that do not trigger a lot harm, others are bigger knocking out energy for days or longer together with different harm. A non-profit group referred to as Get Lit Keep Lit is aiming to verify the individuals in New Orleans have a cool place to go the place they’ll get meals and cost their gadgets. Hurricane season is smack dab in the midst of summer time by way of early fall. It is sizzling and there is nothing extra depressing than being sizzling and hungry. If this group get the funding they want, they’ll create cooling hubs all through town. You will discover out extra about Get Lit Keep Lit right here.

Tremendous Moon

Picture by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

6. The final tremendous moon of 2022 is August 11

August is a busy month for astrological occasions I take it. If you happen to lookup within the sky on August 11 you are going to be staring on the final tremendous moon of the 12 months. The moon will seem a lot bigger than we’re used to seeing it as a result of it is a little bit nearer to earth in keeping with the Almanac. Whereas it might not be something to put in writing your kin about, it is going to definitely be a sight to look ahead to.

Nationwide zucchini day

Picture by By Pils on Unsplash

7. Get a zucchini and confuse your neighbors

Rounding out our listing of really feel excellent news, August 8 is Nationwide Sneak Some Zucchini on Your Neighbor’s Porch Day. Yeah, I did not make that up, although it completely seems like I did. If you wish to confuse your neighbors, go forward and go away them a little bit basket of zucchinis on their porch. They’re going to both thank the invisible giver or be fairly confused on how the random backyard veggie landed on their door step. Both approach, it is a vacation that’s certain to place a smile on somebody’s face.

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